JOHN KRIVOS 24, 59.5" 175 lbs. biceps 16 was recently discharged from the US Air Force after 4 years service. His training program Includes swimming, free exercise and some weight lifting. He feels weightlifting helped him change from a skinny youth into the fine sturdy physique he now possesses.

During the summer he completed the films "No Rest and "The Snowbody" for Apollo International. Just as we went to press he had just returned from Mexico where

he did the title role in AMG's "REVENGE OF THE TRITON This is AMG's photo XTÓ-AC.

Catalog pages 21-28 $1.20. AMC 1834 W 11th st.

Los Angeles 6, Calif.



Number 3


Fall 1958 issue

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Physique Pictorial is published four times each year by AMG 1834 W 11 Street Los Angeles 6, Calif. 1 yr 1st class $1.75. 2 years $3.50. By third class open flap $2.60 anywhere. Foreign countries, for first class mailing add 50 cents for each year. BACK ISSUES: Volume 5 (4 issues), Volume 6 (3 issues), Volume 7 (4 issues), Volume 8 Numbers 1 and 2. Price 43c ea by 1st class mail. ADVERTISING: Paid displays are not acceptable in PP. Price information is carried free on items we feel readers will be interested in. EUROPEAN REPRESENTATIVES: GREAT BRITAIN: Dominique Suite 35 A 119 Oxford st. London W 1 England. or John Valentine 23 Deanswood drive Moortown Leeds England. BELGIUM: Henri Garsou, 17 rue Haute, Andrimont. HOLLAND: Cultuur-en-Ontspanningscentrum Postbus 542 Amsterdam. FRANCE: Edy Silvain 39 rue Sainte Anne, Paris 1. GERMANY: Chris Denning Box 6143, Frankfurt (main). COVER: "ODIN WELCOMING THE SLAIN HEROES INTO VALHALLA" from a preliminary drawing by George Quaintance. Valhalla was entered over a rainbow bridge, where the great War God Odin presided over a blissful eterinity into which only the brave were welcome. The drawing from which this cover was produced was just a preliminary sketch which George Quaintance had prepared for the cover of Body Beautiful shortly before he passed away. It was in no sense a finished painting and it was Mr. Quaintance's intention that after the publisher of BB (Mr Joseph Weider) gave his o.k, he would prepare the finished work. Mr. Victor Garcia, the manager of the Quaintance studio was kind enough to permit us to use the drawing as our cover since Body Beautiful has ceased publication in the US. It is a pity that we could not use color for this study, but you can obtain a 35mm color slide of the original at $1.50 from the Quaintance Studios Box 2236 Terminal Annex Los Angeles 54, California. 8x10 print $1.50.

BACK COVER: Try this for size-18 feet of solid carrara muscle in marble... one of 60 in the Stadio Dei Marmi outside Rome, Italy. If you go for solid muscle in marble, you'll go for the six series, each containing six 4x10 photos. $2 per set of six. Catalog $1. Ask for the statuary studies of the Stadio dei Marmi by JRome, Box 2303 Hollywood 28, California.



AMG STUDIOS OFFER A VARIETY EXCEEDING 40,000 PRINTS. If you are an artist, physical culture enthusiast or a collector you will find that AMG offers one of the most exhaustive selection of physique studies ever to be made available. These are all illustrated on miniature photo catalogs which are offered in sets. The studies are cataloged according to the models. A catalog is 4x5 inches and illustrates 16 miniature photos about the size of a commemorative postage stamp. You can purchase outright catalog pages of individual models at only 15 cents a page, or if you prefer you can rent (complete groups) at only 1 a page a month (plus postage). We will be glad to send you a bulletin describing our rental plan.

BUDGET GROUPS: 15, 16, and 17 are available from AMG at $4 each. Each group contains a selection of 30 choice photos. Group 17 is made up of all dual poses and is proving quite popular. This group would cost $10.50 by individual choice, so you save $6.50. 35mm Color slides: 12 variety sets of six slides each and 15 solo sets. $3 per set any 2 sets $5.

Stereo Realize size 3-dimension slides: 6 variety sets of six slides each 5 solo sets. $3.50 set. Any 2 sets $6.50.

If you do not have AMG's illustrated 8 page Bulletin 54, please send self-addressed stamp envelope and it will be sent without charge.

BOB STORR, 21, loaned to AMG

by Apollo International where he did "Wanted Model". Bob was in the AMG film "Afternoon of A Satyr which has not been released. Additional photos pgs 5054 AMG's catalogs XT13, Price 60 cents.